Saturday, February 27, 2010

Why is concrete setting different to paint drying?

takes longer cos of consistanceyWhy is concrete setting different to paint drying?
jonahg3 - is correct. Concrete setting involves hydration, a chemical change. Paint just looses it's bonding solution (usually alcohol or water based) to the atmosphere.

The main reason why paint smells so much.....:)Why is concrete setting different to paint drying?
Concrete setting involves a chemical reaction. Paint drying does not. When paint dries, the solvent that was dissolving or carrying the pigments evaporates.

When concrete sets, the lime reacts with the sand the the other ingredients to form a complex lattice of calcium silicate crystals.
two totally different chemical reactions.
Concrete is different than paint when it cures due to the fact that there is a chemical bond at the molecular level that releases heat as part of the curing process. The curing process can take a long period of time with concrete.

Paint releases alcohol, or alcohol type chemicals that dis purse into the surrounding air and dry the paint in a very short period of time.
concrete setting is a chemical reaction between the water and the cement which is called hydration which gives off heat which gives concrete that warm to touch feel just before it hardens.

paint drying is not a chemical reation and does not require water to be added to assist setting or drying
Concrete dries by heating up, most paints dry by some form of evaporation.

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